Production of new neutron-rich radon isotopes in multinucleon transfer reactions
20.8.2013 14:00
Dr. Alexander M. Rodin
| Flerov Laboratiory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Neutron-rich radon isotopes (A = 227 - 232) were produced in multinucleon transfer reaction 48Ca + 232Th, Ebeam = 7.3 MeV/n using mass spectrometer MASHA. Nuclei in this region decay by emission of typically 2 - 4 beta particles before accessing long lived isotopes. Using the Medipix type pixel detectors consequently 2 - 4 beta tracks emerging from one point can be detected. Software for analyzing of such events was developed and Monte-Carlo simulation of Rn decay chains using GEANT4 was for this experimental condition was carried out. The current status of the MASHA+MEDIPIX setup for production of new neutron-rich isotopes near neutron N = 126 and N = 152 shell closures using the multinucleon transfer reactions 48Ca + 208Pb, 232Th will be also presented.