Higgs boson physics - Postdoctoral and PhD postions, and Master Thesis topics available

- Search for Higgs Bosons with Tau-Lepton Decays in Association with Top-Quarks Pair-Production Using the ATLAS Detector at CERN
- Study of neutral Standard Model Higgs boson production rates with tau-lepton decays and background reactions in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of neutral beyond the Standard Model Higgs boson production rates with tau-lepton decays
and background reactions in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of tau-lepton identification in ttH (H→ττ) events in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of separating degenerate Higgs bosons at 125 GeV in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of a three Higgs-boson hypothesis in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of charged Higgs bosons below the top-quark threshold in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of charged Higgs bosons above the top-quark threshold in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of charged Higgs bosons which decay into a neutral Higgs boson in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of charged Higgs bosons with precision top-quark measurements in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of charged Higgs boson mass reconstruction with a matrix element technique in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of tau-lepton trigger for charged Higgs boson production in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of tau-lepton trigger with a tag-and-probe method in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of tau-lepton trigger comparing fast and full simulations in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of Higgs boson sensitivity with advanced statistical tools in the ATLAS experiment
- Study of combining statistically Higgs boson dicovery channels in the ATLAS experiment