Pospíšil Stanislav, Ing. DrSc.
mimořádný profesor fyziky, Fakulta umění a věd, Univerzita v Montrealu, Kanada
Osobní údaje
| +420 728 102 892
| stanislav.pospisil AT utef.cvut.cz
Year/Place of Birth: 1942/Prerov, Czech Republic
Education and Professional Career
- 2009 - today: Professeur associé, Université de Montréal, Canada
- 2002 - today: Director, IEAP CTU Prague
- 1998: DrSc - Doctor of Science (Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics),, Charles University in Prague
- 1986: Visiting scientist, Brookhaven Nat. Lab, USA
- 1969–1973: Scientist,JINR Dubna, Russia
- 1967–2002: Senior Lecturer,Fac. Nucl. Sc. and Phys. Eng., CTU Prague
- 1963–1967: Lecturer, Fac. Nucl. Sc. and Phys. Eng., CTU Prague
- 1959-1964: Master Degree (Nuclear Physics), Fac. of Tech. and Nucl. Physics, CTU Prague
Main Research Activities
- Neutron physics, Nuclear spectroscopy, (cooperation with JINR Dubna, CERN, BNL, TU Munich, ILL Grenoble)
- Non-accelerator astroparticle experiments, (Picasso – Univ. of Montreal, ALTA/CZELTA – Univ. of Alberta)
- Experiment ATLAS on LHC at CERN, (in particular cooperation with Univ. of Montreal)
- Instrumentation for nuclear and sub-nuclear physics, strip and pixel detectors, radiation hardness of detectors, (CERN, JINR, ILL, Universities of Montreal, Alberta, Canterbury, Glasgow, Freiburg, Houston, etc.)
- Analytical application of nuclear spectroscopy , (cooperation with Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
- Application of position sensitive detectors of ionizing radiation for X-ray and neutron imaging – radiography and tomography, (CERN, ERSF, PSI, Universities of Freiburg, Sundsvall, Napoli, etc.)
Pedagogical experience
- Lectures on Atomic physics, Neutron physics, Physics of atomic nuclei, Experimental methods of nuclear physics, Nuclear spectroscopy, Applied nuclear physics
- Successful supervising of 12 Diploma MSc and 12 Ph.D. students
Membership in scientific and pedagogical committees and societies
- Member of Czech Physical Society of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists, (since 1979)
- Member of IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, (since 2000)
- Member of Czech governmental committee for cooperation with CERN, (1993-2002, 2004 till now)
- Member of committee for “Doctor of Sciences degree” of the Czech Academy of Sciences, (since 2003)
- Member of the CTU Rector's Board (since 2002), Member of the CTU Scientific Council, (since 2006)
- Member of Scientific Council of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the CTU, (since 2005)
- Member of Council of the Nuclear Physics Institute, Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep., (since 2007)
Scientific Publications: Author or co-author of 315 publications in:
- International peer-reviewed Journals: 95
- Czech peer-reviewed Journals: 18
- International Conference Proceedings: 71
- Proceedings of Czech Conferences with Int. Participation: 10
- Experimental Reports in International Laboratories:41
- Patents:4
- Over 200 citations of the above listed papers in international journals
Granty - nositel/řešitel (10)
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