Version 1.1 | First version distributed to
Medipix2 users. Supports all versions of Medipix2. TimePix support is
just partial. |
In stock |
Version 1.2 | Slightly improved version: Power
voltage recovery implemented. |
Abandoned |
Version 1.22 | Currently distributed version.
Full support of TimePix with selectable clock frequency (10, 20, 40 and
80 MHz), spectroscopic module integrated. |
In stock |
Lite Ver. 1.3 |
Very compact size of 60 x 15 mm..
The interface (ver. 1.2) and Medipix2 (MXR) chip share the same PCB.
Spectroscopic module integrated. Pict: [1]
[5] |
First batch being manufactured |
FITPix Ver. 2.0 |
FPGA driven, USB2.0 interface. Supports all chips (Medipix2, Timepix, Medipix3). Uses serial interface allowing 90 frames per second (for single chip). |
Order here |
FITPix Ver. 3.0 |
FPGA driven, USB2.0 interface. Supports all chips (Medipix2, Timepix, Medipix3). Uses serial/parallel interface allowing up to 850 frames per second (for single chip). |
Order here |
Číslo | Název | Agentura |
LC06041 | Centrum základního výzkumu "Příprava, modifikace a charakterizace materiálů energetickým zářením" | MŠMT |
MSM 6840770040 | Výzkumný záměr 40: Využití radionuklidů a ionizujícího záření. | MŠMT |
![]() | Název | Autor | ![]() | Rok |
Analogue signal from common electrode of pixelated detector for triggering and spectroscopy | Platkevič M.; Jakůbek J.; Vykydal Z.; Granja C. | Journal of Instrumentation 6 C11023 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/11/C11023 | 2011 | |
Estimate of the neutron fields in ATLAS based on ATLAS-MPX detectors data | Bouchami J.; Dallaire F.; Gutierrez A.; Idárraga J.; Král V.; Leroy C.; Pickard S.; Pospíšil S.; Scallon O.; Šolc J.; Suk M.; Tureček D.; Vykydal Z.; Žemlička J. | Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01042, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01042 | 2011 | |
FITPix – Fast Interface for Timepix Pixel Detectors | Kraus V.; Holík M.; Jakůbek J.; Kroupa M.; Soukup P.; Vykydal Z. | Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01079, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01079 | 2011 | |
Medipix2 based CdTe microprobe for dental imaging | Vykydal Z.; Fauler A.; Fiederle M.; Jakůbek J.; Švestková M.; Zwerger A. | Journal of Instrumentation 6 C12002 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12002 | 2011 | |
Past, Present and Future of the n_TOF Facility at CERN | Chiaveri E.; Andriamonje S.; Calviani M.; Vykydal Z.; et al. | Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Volume: 59, Issue: 2, Pages: 1620-1623, doi: 10.3938/jkps.59.1620 | 2011 | |
![]() | Data processing and image reconstruction methods for pixel detectors | Jakůbek J. | NIM A 576 (2007) 223-234, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2007.01.157 | 2007 |
Performance of the Medipix and Timepix devices for the recognition of electron-gamma radiation fields | Teyssier C.; Bouchami J.; Dallaire F.; Idárraga J.; Leroy C.; Pospíšil S.; Šolc J.; Scallon O.; Vykydal Z. | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Vol. 650, Issue 1, p. 92-97, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.12.114 | 2011 | |
The Medipix2-Based Network for Measurement of Spectral Characteristics and Composition of Radiation in ATLAS Detector | Vykydal Z.; Bouchami J.; Campbell M.; Doležal Z.; Fiederle M.; Greiffenberg D.; Gutierrez A.; Heijne E.; Holý T.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Král V.; Králík M.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Llopart X.; Maneuski D.; Nessi M.; O/'Shea V.; Platkevič M.; Pospíšil S.; Suk M.; Tlustos L.; Vichoudis P.; Visschers J.; Wilhelm I.; Žemlička J. | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume 607, Issue 1, Pages: 35-37, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.03.104 | 2009 | |
Fast neutron detection efficiency of ATLAS-MPX detectors for the evaluation of average neutron energy in mixed radiation fields | Bouchami J.; Gutierrez A.; Holý T.; Král V.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Macana J.; Pospíšil S.; Scallon O.; Suk M.; Tartare M.; Teyssier C.; Vykydal Z.; Žemlička J. | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume 633, Supplement 1, Pages: S226-S230, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.174 | 2011 | |
USB Lite-Miniaturized readout interface for Medipix2 detector | Vykydal Z.; Jakůbek J. | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume 633, Supplement 1, Pages: S48-S49, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.118 | 2011 | |
USB Interface for Medipix2 Pixel Device Enabling Energy and Position Detection of Heavy Charged Particles | Vykydal Z.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S. | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 563, Issue: 1, Pages: 112-115, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.01.114 | 2006 | |
Signal processor controlled USB2.0 interface for Medipix2 detector | Platkevič M.; Bočarov V.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Tichy V.; Vykydal Z. | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 591, Issue:1, Pages: 245-247, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.065 | 2008 |