IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Publication  > 'Spatial- and Time-Correlated Detection of Fission Fragments'
Spatial- and Time-Correlated Detection of Fission Fragments

Granja Carlos, Doc. Ing. Ph.D. IEAP
Kraus Václav, Ing. IEAP
Kopatch Yuri JINR Dubna
Telezhnikov S. JINR Dubna
Vacík Jiří, CSc. Nuclear Physics Institute of the ASCR
Tomandl Ivo Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, Ac. Sc. Czech Republic
Platkevič Michal, Ing. IEAP
Pospíšil Stanislav,  Ing. DrSc. IEAP


Scientific journal
EPJ Web of Conferences 21 (2012) 10004


With the goal to measure angular correlations of fission fragments in rare fission decay (e.g. ternary and quaternary fission), a multi-detector coincidence system based on two and up to four position sensitive pixel detectors Timepix has been built. In addition to the high granularity, wide dynamic range and per pixel signal threshold, these devices are equipped with per pixel energy and time sensitivity providing more information (position, energy, time), enhances particle-type identification and selectivity of event-by-event detection. Operation of the device with the integrated USB 2.0 based readout interface FITPix and the control and data acquisition software tool Pixelman enables online visualization and flexible/adjustable operation for a different type of experiments. Spatially correlated fission fragments can be thus registered in coincidence. Similarly triggered measurements are performed using an integrated spectrometric module with analogue signal chain electronics. The current status of development together with demonstration of the technique with a 252Cf source is presented.


Cite article as:
C. Granja, V. Kraus, Y. Kopatch, S. Telezhnikov, J. Vacík, I. Tomandl, M. Platkevič, S. Pospíšil, "Spatial- and Time-Correlated Detection of Fission Fragments", EPJ Web of Conferences 21 (2012) 10004 (2012)

10th Anniversary of IEAP