Position sensitive detection of Ultra Cold Neutrons (UCN)

Ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) are neutrons with small kinetic energy—so small that UCN cannot penetrate the material wall and are trapped by the effective Fermi's material potential (~300neV). This energy corresponds to a velocity of less than 7 m/s and an effective temperature of 0.005 K.3 UCNs can be stored in “bottles” for times approaching the βdecay lifetime of the neutron (~ 900 s).
Experiments with bottled UCN can offer orders-of-magnitude improvement for various precise measurements of neutron properties that are sensitive to physics beyond the standard model.
Ultra Cold Neutrons are generated in several world laboratiries (
ILL Grenoble,
Los Alamos NL,
PSI Villigen, ...).
The main goal of the project is to design a position sensitive detector of UCNs with high efficiency (~90%) and very high spatial resolution (~1 um). We are using Timepix pixel device adapted by evaporation of very thin convertor layer (less than 1 um) onto its surface. Detection efficiency of UCNs reaches 70% and spatial resolution is about 2.3 um.
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