IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Partial tasks  > X-ray absorption and phase sensitive radiography and tomography
X-ray absorption and phase sensitive radiography and tomography

Usage of pixel detectors of Medipix family for Developed methodology is applied in the field of:

Responsible person


Number Name Agency
LC06041 Research center "Fabrication, modification and characterization of materials by energetic radiation" MŠMT
1P04LA211 Collaboration Czech Republic with CERN MŠMT
MSM 6840770040 Research Program 40: Usage of radionuclides and ionizing radiation. MŠMT

Other publications
Text format

Ocenění Name Author Scientific journal OceněníYear
Digital radiography with pixel detectors of Medipix family Jakůbek J.; Dammer J.; Holý T.; Platkevič M.; Uher J.; Vykydal Z. Československý Časopis pro Fyziku, 1/2008, 25-36 2008
Imaging of small objects in different light (skill to see invisible) Jakůbek J. Vesmír 87, p 437 2008
Microradiographic measurement of copper distribution in duralumin sample Vavřík D.; Holý T.; Jakůbek J.; Jakůbek M.; Valach J. Československý Časopis pro Fyziku, 1/2008, 58-61 2008
Microradiography in material science Vavřík D.; Jakůbek J.; Jakůbek M.; Holý T. Československý Časopis pro Fyziku, 1/2008, 53-57 2008
Microradiography of biological samples Dammer J.; Jakůbek J.; Vavřík D. Československý Časopis pro Fyziku, 1/2008, 50-52 2008
Non-destructive Observation of Damage Processes in precracked specimens by X-Ray Dynamic Defectoscopy Vavřík D.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Visschers J.; Zemánková J. Annals of the Marie Curie fellowships-Vol.3, pp. 69-75, ISBN 92 92 894 7233¬2 2004
10th Anniversary of IEAP