IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Departments  > Department of applied physics and technology  > Vavřík Daniel, Ing., Ph.D.
Vavřík Daniel
Vavřík Daniel, Ing., Ph.D.

Department: Department of applied physics and technology
Phone number: +420 224 359 181
Collaboration: regular staff

Personal data

Responsible for Grants (3)
ACP2-GA-2012-314562 Quantitative Inspection of Complex Composite Aeronautic Parts Using Advanced X-ray Techniques (QUICOM) European Union Seventh Framework Programme 1.1.2012-31.12.2015
103/09/2101 Evaluation of the energy responsible for fracture advancing GAČR 1.1.2009-31.12.2012
106/04/0567 Study of damage zone in high ductile materials in vicinity of crack tip by X-Ray Dynamic Defectoscopy method GAČR 1.1.2005-1.1.2007

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Articles in Impacted Journals
10th Anniversary of IEAP