IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Publication  > 'Performance of Slow Neutron Pixel Detector'
Performance of Slow Neutron Pixel Detector

Uher Josef, Ing. IEAP
Holý Tomáš, Ing. IEAP
Jakůbek Jan, Ing. PhD. IEAP
Lehmann Eberhart Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
Pospíšil Stanislav, DrSc. Ing. IEAP
Vacík Jiří, Ing., CSc. NPI ASCR


Scientific journal
NIM A Vol. 542, pages 283-287


Semiconductor pixel radiation detector systems have recently made significant progress achieving excellent spatial resolution, high sensitivity, wide dynamic range and low noise. The hybrid silicon pixel device ofMedipix type developed at CERN was originally designed for position sensitive single X-ray photon detection. We have adapted this device to a position sensitive detector ofslow neutrons by covering the detector surface with a 6LiF neutron converter. Neutrons are converted to tritons and alpha particles which are subsequently detected by the silicon pixel detector. The basic parameters ofsuch a pixel neutron sensitive device were investigated using thermal neutron beams. Tests for neutron imaging applications and comparison with currently used devices for neutron radiography (CCD camera with scintillator, imaging plates) were performed. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the exceptional good spatial resolution for neutrons (up to 8.5 lp/mm in the case of Medipix-2 option), reasonable neutron detection efficiency with very low sensitivity to background gamma radiation, low noise, perfect linearity and wide dynamic range. Results and future prospects are presented in this article.

Cite article as:
J. Uher, T. Holý, J. Jakůbek, E. Lehmann, S. Pospíšil, J. Vacík, "Performance of Slow Neutron Pixel Detector", NIM A Vol. 542, pages 283-287 (2005)

10th Anniversary of IEAP