> 'Evaluation of strain field in microstructures using micro-CT and digital volume correlation'
Evaluation of strain field in microstructures using micro-CT and digital volume correlation
Scientific journal
JINST 6 C01039 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01039
X-ray digital micro-tomography was employed for precise strain measurement which is essential for evaluation of the experiments with small samples of trabecular bone. X-ray Digital Volumetric Correlation (DVC) method was used to identify the three-dimensional strain field in loaded complex microstructure. DVC relies on tracking selected sample points within the three-dimensional image data throughout the sequence of captured projections. In this study an improved DVC method is applied for evaluation of the strain field in trabecular bone sample subjected to compressive loading. The deformed sample was tomographically scanned using micro-focus X-ray tube and the single-photon counting silicon pixel detector Medipix2.
Cite article as:
O. Jiroušek, I. Jandejsek, D. Vavřík, "Evaluation of strain field in microstructures using micro-CT and digital volume correlation", JINST 6 C01039 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01039 (2011)