IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Partial tasks  > 3D and Semi-3D semiconductor detectors
3D and Semi-3D semiconductor detectors

  • develop and put into practice neutron detectors with a maximum detection efficiency, which are based on silicon detector with a conversion layer;
  • develop and defend a methodology of material, electronic and radiation detection tests damaged 3D detectors.
Semi-3D semiconductor detectors

Semi-3D detectors are similar to planar detectors but their surface is modified using electro-chemical etching into the shape of regular arranged pyramids, pillars or recess. Aim of this modification is to larger active surface area of the detector and use the conversion layer sensitive to thermal neutrons. Increasing the active area of the detector causes increased detection efficiency, which is confirmed by both numerical calculations and by experiments. Draft Semi-3D detectors in the shape of a pyramid is the original proposal of Dr. Pospíšil.

3D detektors

3D detectors proposed by S. Parker are new generation of semiconductor devices. Collecting electrodes, compared with previous types of semiconductor detectors are in form of very narrow cylinders penetrating through the entire thickness of the detector perpendicular to the surface. Electrodes are etched by electrochemical etching and doped with polykrystaline silicon. 3D detectors will therefore show short charge collection times and will provide very fast signals. It can be expected that both chracteristics will have a significant impact on improving the radiation hardness.

Responsible person


Text format

Ocenění Name Author Scientific journal OceněníYear
Highly sensitive Silicon Detectors of Thermal Neutrons (Supervisor:) Uher J. Ph.D. Thesis, CTU Prague 2006
10th Anniversary of IEAP