| Name
| Author
| Scientific journal
| Year
| From imaging to dosimetry: GEANT4-based study on the application of Medipix to neutron dosimetry
| Othman M.; Marinaro D.; Petasecca M.; Guatelli S.; Cutajar D.; Lerch M.; Prokopovich D.; Reinhard M.; Uher J.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Rosenfeld A.
| Radiation Measurements, Vol. 45, Issue 10, p. 1355-1358
| 2010
| Non-invasive monitoring of therapeutic carbon ion beams in a homogeneous phantom by tracking of secondary ions
| Gwosch K.; Hartmann B.; Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Soukup P.; Martisikova M.; Jaekel O.
| Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 58, p3755, doi:10.1088/0031-9155/58/11/3755
| 2013
| Study of the charge sharing in silicon pixel detector by means of alpha particles interacting with a Medipix2 device
| Campbell M.; Erik H.; Holý T.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Celine L.; Claude L.; Llopart X.; Pospíšil S.; Tlustos L.; Vykydal Z.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 591, Issue:1, Pages: 38-41, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.096
| 2008
| Pattern recognition of tracks induced by individual quanta of ionizing radiation in Medipix2 silicon detector
| Holý T.; Erik H.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Uher J.; Vykydal Z.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 591, Issue:1, Pages: 287-290, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.074
| 2008
| Position-sensitive spectroscopy of 252Cf fission fragments
| Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Vykydal Z.; Kopatch Y.; Telezhnikov S.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume: 574, Issue: 3, Pages: 472-478, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2007.01.164
| 2007
| Remote control of ATLAS-MPX Network and Data Visualization
| Tureček D.; Holý T.; Pospíšil S.; Vykydal Z.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume 633, Supplement 1, Pages: S45-S47, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.117
| 2011
| The Medipix2-Based Network for Measurement of Spectral Characteristics and Composition of Radiation in ATLAS Detector
| Vykydal Z.; Bouchami J.; Campbell M.; Doležal Z.; Fiederle M.; Greiffenberg D.; Gutierrez A.; Heijne E.; Holý T.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Král V.; Králík M.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Llopart X.; Maneuski D.; Nessi M.; O/'Shea V.; Platkevič M.; Pospíšil S.; Suk M.; Tlustos L.; Vichoudis P.; Visschers J.; Wilhelm I.; Žemlička J.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Volume 607, Issue 1, Pages: 35-37, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.03.104
| 2009
| Performance of the Medipix and Timepix devices for the recognition of electron-gamma radiation fields
| Teyssier C.; Bouchami J.; Dallaire F.; Idárraga J.; Leroy C.; Pospíšil S.; Šolc J.; Scallon O.; Vykydal Z.
| Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, Vol. 650, Issue 1, p. 92-97, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.12.114
| 2011
| Application of the Medipix2 technology to space radiation dosimetry and hadron therapy beam monitoring
| Pinsky L.; Stoffle N.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Leroy C.; Gutierrez A.; H.; Yasuda N.; Uchihori Y.
| Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Volume 628, Issue 1, Pages 226-229, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.323
| 2011
| MEDIPIX/TIMEPIX cosmic ray tracking on BEXUS stratospheric balloon flights
| Urbář J.; Scheirich J.; Jakůbek J.
| Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Vol. 633, Suppl. 1, p. S206-S209, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.168
| 2011
| Penetrating heavy ion charge and velocity discrimination with a TimePix-based Si detector (for space radiation applications)
| Pinsky L.; Empl A.; Gutierrez A.; Jakůbek J.; Kitamura H.; Miller J.; Leroy C.; Stoffle N.; Pospíšil S.; Uchihori Y.; Yasuda N.; Zeitlin C.
| Nucl. Instr. Methods A, Vol. 633, Suppl. 1, p. S190-S193, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.164
| 2011
| Slow-neutron-induced charged-particle emission-channeling-measurements with Medipix detectors
| Koester U.; Granja C.; Jakůbek J.; Uher J.; Vacík J.
| Nucl. Instr. Methods A 633 (2011) S267-S269
| 2011
| Energy Sensitive X-ray Radiography and Charge Sharing Effect in Pixelated Detector
| Jakůbek J.
| NIM A, Vol. 607, Issue 1, p. 192-195
| 2009
| Energy calibration measurements of MediPix2
| Fiederle M.; Greiffenberg D.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Král V.; Lebel C.; Leroy C.; Lord G.; Pospíšil S.; Sochor V.; Suk M.
| NIM A, Vol. 591, Issue 1, p. 75-79
| 2008
| Pixelman: a multi-platform data acquisition and processing software package for Medipix2, Timepix and Medipix3 detectors
| Tureček D.; Holý T.; Jakůbek J.; Pospíšil S.; Vykydal Z.
| Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01046, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01046
| 2011
| Vectors and submicron precision: redundancy and 3D stacking in silicon pixel detectors
| Heijne E.; Ballabriga R.; Boltje D.; Campbell M.; Idarraga J.; Jakůbek J.; Leroy C.; Llopart X.; Tlustos L.; Plackett R.; Pospíšil S.; Tureček D.; Vermeulen J.; Visschers J.; Visser J.; Vykydal Z.; Wong W.
| Journal of Instrumentation 5 C06004, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/5/06/C06004
| 2010
| Selective detection of secondary particles and neutrons produced in ion beam therapy with 3D sensitive voxel detector
| Jakůbek J.; Granja C.; Hartmann B.; Jäkel O.; Martisikova M.; Opalka L.; Pospíšil S.
| JINST 6 C12010, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12010
| 2011
| 3D measurement of the radiation distribution in a water phantom in a hadron therapy beam
| Opalka L.; Granja C.; Hartmann B.; Jakůbek J.; Jaekel O.; Martisikova M.; Pospíšil S.; Solc J.
| J.of Instrumentation 7 (2012) C01085
| 2012
| Semiconductor Pixel Detectors and their Applications in Life Sciences
| Jakůbek J.
| 2009 JINST 4 P03013 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/4/03/P03013
| 2009
| 3D sensitive voxel detector of ionizing radiation based on Timepix device
| Soukup P.; Jakůbek J.; Vykydal Z.
| Journal of Instrumentation 6 C01060, doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/01/C01060
| 2011