IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
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IEAP - Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague
Seminars  > High‐current Accelerators Constructed in Argentina for Neutron Production and Applications
High‐current Accelerators Constructed in Argentina for Neutron Production and Applications

4.9.2014 14:00
Dr. Daniel Cartelli TANDAR Laboratory, Buenos Aires, CNEATANDAR Laboratory, Buenos Aires, CNEA


Construction of high‐current low‐energy particle accelerators is underway in Argentina by CNEA. The construction of the 600 keV accelerator designed as a neutron generator based on deuteron beams and a 9Be target is presented. Description of the development and local manufacture of sub‐systems such as ion sources, high voltage sources, accelerating cavities, electrostatic quadrupoles and targets is given together with first tests and evaluation of operation. An overview of the existing 20 MeV Tandem accelerator and its experimental program is also included.
10th Anniversary of IEAP