Supermassive black holes: magnetic fields, radiation, and cosmic rays
Arman Tursunov
Institute of Physics, Silesian University in Opava
One of the most fascinating aspects of Einstein’s general theory of relativity is the uncanny correspondence between black hole mechanics and thermodynamics. It implies that up to 29% of the total energy of black holes is rotational and extractable, making black holes the largest energy reservoirs in the Universe. In this presentation, I will discuss dynamical environments of supermassive black holes, including their electromagnetic characteristics, jet launching/switching-off scenario, and particle acceleration capabilities from theoretical and observational perspectives.
Seminář se koná v úterý 7. května ve 14:00
v zasedací místnosti ÚTEF ČVUT, Praha 1, Husova 240/5.
Ing. Bartoloměj Biskup, Ph.D. tajemník semináře |
doc. Ing. Ivan Štekl, CSc. ředitel ÚTEF |
doc. Dr. André Sopczak předseda NPS, ČS IEEE |
IEEE Czechoslovakia section